Free Upgrading Programs and Services

For an adult learner, the hardest aspect of returning to school is often taking the first step. At Fanshawe College, we recognize and celebrate the initiative involved and welcome the opportunity to assist individuals work towards their goals.
What We Offer
- Assessments
- Academic and Career Entrance Certificate Program (ACE) - College certificate recognized as equivalent to an OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) by community colleges. Explore the program
- College Preparation for Adults (Academic Upgrading)
- Literacy and Basic Skills Program
- Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Prep (Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate – replaces the GED program)
- The training is personalized to assist you with your individualized goals, whether they are employment, apprenticeship, or post-secondary.
These programs are provided tuition-free with funding from the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities.

Connect With Us

Email: lbs.simcoe@fanshawec.ca
Phone: 519-426-8260
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and through the Canada-Ontario Job Fund Agreement.
