The Test Centre at the London Campus provides a full range of assessment services to Fanshawe students studying at any campus. Students can write paper or computer-based assessments by appointment only in our modern facility.
Current students and faculty access the Test Centre via myFanshawe
Who do we support?
- Students with disabilities: Students registered with Accessibility Services can arrange to have in-person testing where needed for all modes of delivery (in-person, blended and fully online programs).
- Students who miss an in-class assessment. With your professor's approval and cooperation, you can take your test after the scheduled test date in our facility during hours of operation.
- Students with connectivity issues and other preventions from writing at home: Contact your professor to request the option to write your test on-campus.
- Students looking for a quiet space to write their online exams. Availability is first-come, first-served. Fill out this form to request a booking.
An Invigilation and Testing Guide is available to help you and your professors understand Test Centre rules and test and exam procedures at Fanshawe College.
What do I need to do? Before taking a test or exam in class or at the Test Centre, review the Invigilation and Testing Guide for a positive experience. Your test or exam might have specific guidelines, so always review them with your professor.
External testing services
For inquiries into writing an external test at Fanshawe College’s Test Centre, please contact Lorrie Rutter-Aulis at 519-452-4430 x14947 or email lrutter-aulis@fanshawec.ca.
Contact Us
Location: Room F3005, London Campus
Phone: 519-452-4166
Email: testcentre@fanshawec.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.