Welcome to the Office of the Ombuds
The Office of the Ombuds provides guidance in dispute resolution for students and consultation services for all members of the College community who interact with students. While adhering to the principles of independence, impartiality and confidentiality, the Office of the Ombuds operates in the interest of fairness for all. The Office of the Ombuds reports to the College President and to ensure impartiality is funded jointly by Fanshawe College and the Fanshawe Student Union.
Aligned with the College Vision and Mission, the Office of the Ombuds seeks to promote student success and retention by collaborating with academic schools and student service departments to encourage or facilitate informal dispute resolution and student progression while upholding the academic integrity of the curriculum offered at Fanshawe College.
As part of the continuous quality improvement process, the Office of the Ombuds may also provide informal and formal recommendations to the College with the goal to achieve fair and equitable practices reflected in our policies and procedures.
How do we assist students?
Fanshawe’s Ombuds is available to help facilitate resolutions, provide guidance on College policies and procedures and may collaborate with Academic Schools, Student Services and the FSU to explore alternative options that are fair to all parties involved. The Ombuds will:
- Listen and help to analyze your concerns respectfully;
- Brainstorm together with you to explore options or alternative solutions to help resolve your concerns informally, often negating the need for a formal Appeal.
In addition, the Ombuds may also:
- Connect with Academic units or Student Service departments with your permission;
- Provide referrals to a support person at the FSU who may help students write their appeals and may be available to accompany students during the appeals process;
- Make referrals to campus and community resources;
- Make informal or formal recommendations for revisions to College policies or procedures with the goal to promote fair and equitable practices.
Please note: The Ombuds does not act as an advocate or an adjudicator and operates under the principles of independence, impartiality and confidentiality with the goal to achieve fairness for all parties involved.
How does the Ombuds assist academic areas and student services?
- Confidential, impartial support
- Guidance in applications of College policies, procedures and practices
- Exploration of alternative resolutions to reduce need for formal appeal
- Proactively de-escalate situations to achieve a fair and healthy outcome
Please note: The Ombuds does not act as an advocate or an adjudicator and operates under the principles of independence, impartiality and confidentiality with the goal to achieve fairness for all parties involved.
The Ombuds will never reveal your identity or act on your behalf without your consent except in cases where there is potential for harm. Protection of your privacy is very important and the Ombuds takes its commitment to confidentiality very seriously.
Annual Reports
The Office of the Ombuds is required to create yearly documentation to be made available to the public, showing its findings, trends and any other relevant notes.
Annual Reports
Fanshawe College and the Office of the Ombuds provide many resources to help students and the college community avoid or resolve disputes. Please follow the links below to learn more about the resources we provide.
- ACCUO Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons
- Fanshawe College Policies
- Fanshawe Academic Integrity Office
- Fanshawe Student Union
- Fanshawe College Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
- Fairness Toolkits from the University of British Columbia
The College publishes extensive policy documents that typically outline decision-making rules with a goal of increasing organizational accountability and fairness. The policy documents are to align with the Fanshawe College Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, thereby creating consistency in decision-making and a spirit of openness and transparency within the College community.
The office of the Ombuds believes the ultimate purpose of College policies is to set out frameworks for decision-making that lead to quality maintenance and enhancement.
To access Fanshawe College policies that may be relevant to your matter, please visit the Policies and Procedures page.
Contact Us
For all general inquiries, please email ombuds@fanshawec.ca and the Ombuds will follow up with you via email or phone if you provide your contact information.
Fanshawe Administration and Faculty may book consultation appointments via Outlook.
If you are a student and would like to book an appointment, please visit the Ombuds Online Services page to book a phone or virtual meeting. In-person meetings may also be arranged by request. Thank you and take good care!
Rose Padacz, Ombuds
Office of the Ombuds
Phone: 519-452-4430 x14755
Email: ombuds@fanshawec.ca
Room B1050-1, London Campus
View campus map.