Welcome to Fanshawe! During the weeks leading up to Orientation join us for a variety of virtual sessions covering important information that will help you prepare to start your journey at Fanshawe. Unable to attend? Not a problem. Recordings will be posted in the tables below after the live sessions so you can view the content when it works for your schedule. 

Ask Me Anything: What’s Next? (Virtual Sessions)

These sessions will guide you through helpful information so you can feel prepared to begin your studies. We will also answer your questions on the spot! 

Virtual Session, April 14, 2025 at 11 a.m. - Join Session!

Here for you: Summer Orientation Series (Virtual sessions)

These FREE events showcase the wide range of student services that are available to you. If you are viewing on a mobile device, scroll left/right to view dates, times and registration links.

At Fanshawe, there is a huge team of supporters who are here for you and these sessions will show you exactly how, and who you can reach out to for a variety of services. Each session is approximately one hour long. 

First-Year Checklist Sessions
Session Name and DescriptionDate and TimeSession Link

FANCard Office

Join us to learn more about your FANCard. Your FANCard is your official Fanshawe identification card. But it does more than just act as ID - keep life simple with one card and take advantage of its other convenient features. 

Monday, March 31 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Fanshawe Student Union Services

The FSU is responsible for all things that pertain to student life and events. If you want to know what kinds of activities Fanshawe offers their students, join this session!

Wednesday, April 2 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Fanshawe Retail Services

Get an overview of services offered in our Campus Store, Falcon Shop, Variety Store and on our online website.

Wednesday, April 2 at 2p.m.Join Session!

Accessibility Services

Do you have a disability and want to know how Fanshawe College can support you? Whether you previously had an IEP or have recently been diagnosed with a disability, come hear one of our Accessibility Counsellors present on financial supports, academic and exam accommodations, adaptive technology, specialized support groups, reduced course load options and much more. Learn about how to register with Accessibility Services and the documentation requirements. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation. 

Friday, April 4 at 2 p.m.Join Session!

Off-Campus Housing

If you are looking for tips and tricks on how to find off-campus housing, you have come to the right place! Join Jason and listen to all the advice he has to offer when it comes to finding accommodations in London!

Monday, April 7 at 2 p.m.Join Session!

International Centre Services

Get to know members of your International Student Engagement team, and learn about international program supports and Fanshawe Friends Social Activities.

Friday, April 11 at 3 p.m.Join Session!
Wellness Sessions
Session Name and DescriptionDate and TimeSession Link

Student Health Services

Join this session to learn more about the Fowler Kennedy Clinic and the student health services they offer on campus!

Monday, March 31 at 2 p.m.Join Session!

Counselling Services

Counselling Services offer a wide range of services to Fanshawe students. Counsellors provide a confidential atmosphere where you can explore any topic or situation and discuss any concerns you may have. This session will introduce you to the services available, and give you information on how to get registered with Counselling Services.

Friday, April 4 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Centre for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CEDI)

Meet with members of our Centre for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CEDI) team to learn about Fanshawe's support to equity-deserving students, allies and equity-deserving student groups.

Wednesday April 9 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Student Wellness Centre and Campus Recreation

Join this session to explore student wellness and campus recreation for a healthy, active college experience.

Friday, April 11 at 2 p.m.Join Session!
Campus-specific Sessions
Session Name and DescriptionDate and TimeSession Link

Welcome to Simcoe Campus 

This information session is for students attending Fanshawe's Simcoe/Norfolk campus and will provide an introduction to this campus and its unique experience. Join Tiffany and Melissa to learn about all the amazing things happening at our Simcoe location!

Thursday, April 3 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Welcome to Woodstock Campus 

This information session is for students attending Fanshawe's Woodstock Campus and will provide an introduction to this campus and it’s unique experience!

Monday, April 7 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Welcome to London South Campus 

This information session is for students attending Fanshawe's London South campus and will provide an introduction to this campus and its unique experience. Come meet your Associate Dean, Larry, and let him tell you about all the amazing things happening at London South!

Tuesday, April 8 at 3 p.m.Join Session!

Welcome to St. Thomas Elgin Campus 

An overview of the community and what St. Thomas Campus has to offer. As well as what students can expect as a student here.

Thursday, April 10 at 3 p.m.Join Session!
Academic Support Services Sessions
Session Name and DescriptionDate and TimeSession Link

Career Services and InSPIRE Mentoring

As a Fanshawe student or alumnus, you can access our extensive career resources online. Join this session to learn more about our career services team and what they have to offer!

InSPIRE Mentoring helps students and recent grads create pathways to career connections by developing networking skills, sharing experiences, and gaining industry knowledge. Join us to learn more about the InSPIRE Mentorship program at Fanshawe College.

Thursday, April 3 at 2 p.m.Join Session!

Pathways Within Fanshawe and Beyond

Learn more about pathways and the different routes you could take to continue your education and gain recognition for your prior learning. There are pathways within Fanshawe programs and pathways to other schools in Ontario, Canada and beyond.

Tuesday, April 8 at 2 p.m.Join Session!

Library Learning Commons

The LLC provides learning and academic support. Learn about the services available to all Fanshawe students (regardless of the campus you study at)!

Wednesday, April 9 at 2 p.m.Join Session!

FanshaweOnline (FOL)

Get to know FOL, Fanshawe's online learning platform. This session will introduce you to its key features, including accessing course materials and communicating with instructors.

Thursday, April 10 at 2 p.m.Join Session!
Program Specific Sessions
Session Name and DescriptionDate and TimeSession Link

Co-op Services and Leap Junction

Are you entering a program that includes a co-op term at some point? This session will provide an overview of Fanshawe’s Co-op Programs including what co-op is and is not, what we expect of you and what you can expect from us. Learn how your Co-op Consultant supports you through your co-op journey and ask general questions you may have about the process.

LEAP Junction is Fanshawe College’s Entrepreneurship Centre. We help students and alumni start their own businesses! We offer one-on-one coaching, events and competitions, entrepreneurial co-op, and more. Learn about the different ways we can help you take the LEAP into entrepreneurship!

Tuesday, April 1 at 2 p.m.Join Session!



Frequently Asked Questions 

Why should I attend the Here For You Orientation Series?

As a new student, you should participate in this program because it will help you prepare for a successful academic year. This series will introduce you to all of the supports, resources and opportunities available to you as a Fanshawe student. If you have any further questions regarding this event series, please contact orientation@fanshawec.ca.

Can parents and other supporters attend sessions?

Yes, parents and other supporters are welcome and encouraged to attend. We know that parents are a key resource and support for their student and we want to ensure you feel equipped with the information you need to help your student succeed.

What is the WRIT assessment? How do I write it and what do I need?

Learn about the WRIT assessment.

How can I connect with other incoming students, upper-year students and Fanshawe staff?

One of the easiest ways to connect with others is to reach out over social media! Join our Fanshawe Discord channel, join Fanshawe College of ZeeMee, join our sub on Reddit, follow us on Instagram or contact the Fanshawe Student Union.

I have a disability. How do I get accommodations in place for the start of term?

Identify early with Accessibility Services. Learn more at www.fanshawec.ca/earlyid.

