When you need to talk, we’re here for you.
It’s okay to not feel okay. Our Counselling team is committed to helping you find the support you need to accomplish your academic and personal goals. Our professionally trained counsellors have a wealth of experience and knowledge and can assist you in areas such as mental health, substance use, relationships, and other personal concerns that might impact your academic success. Our services are offered in a confidential atmosphere where you can feel comfortable exploring and discussing any topic, situation or concern you may have.
Looking to schedule an appointment with a counsellor?
Call 519-452-4282 or email counselling@fanshawec.ca
How we can help
Personal Counselling At Fanshawe College, "personal counselling" refers to free confidential professional counselling - offered by registered psychotherapists and registered social workers - to individual students or groups of students, in order to address personal concerns that are impacting their academics, such as:
- mental health concerns
- grief and loss
- coping with stress
- family or other relationship issues
- abuse issues (e.g., domestic violence, sexual assault)
- suicidal thoughts/intentions
- depression/anxiety
- substance use and addictions
- anger management
- sexuality
- adjusting to Canadian and/or college life
- ...and more!
Our counsellors will work with you to identify what is causing your distress and to create a plan to support you and help you to better cope with, address, and manage these concerns. To learn more about Counselling Services visit the MyFanshawe Student Portal or contact counselling@fanshawec.ca or call 519-452-4282.
Peer Support Services
Students supporting students; offering hope, empowerment and connection. Our student peers are trained in active listening, communication skills, navigating resources, diversity issues, and wellness strategies.
To learn more about Peer Support Services, including Peer and Parent Peer support groups, visit the MyFanshawe or contact peersupport@fanshawec.ca.
Groups and Workshops
Counselling services provides a variety of health and wellness groups and workshops to support your personal wellbeing.
Groups and workshops include:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Group
- High Definition Group for Student with ADHD
- Accessibility Peer Support Group
- Be Well: Skills for Emotional Wellbeing
- Test & Presentation Anxiety.
To learn more about and register for Groups and Workshops visit the MyFanshawe Student Portal or contact counselling@fanshawec.ca.
Sexual Violence Prevention and Support
Fanshawe's Sexual Violence Prevention Advisor confidentially supports students who have experienced any form of gender-based violence. The violence does not have to have occurred while you are a student at Fanshawe; it can be historical or have taken place off-campus. Support and assistance includes, but is not limited to:
- Information regarding campus and community services
- Referrals to medical care
- Counselling services
- Academic accommodations
- Information on legal and reporting options
For more information and additional resources, visit the Sexual Violence Support and Education page or 519-452-4282 or email counselling@fanshawec.ca. Survivors are believed and supported as they decide what options to access.
In need of help?
Learn more about available resources at Fanshawe and in our community.
Mental Health Toolkit on MyFanshawe
Contact Us
F2010, London Campus
View Campus Map
On Campus: Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Virtual: Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
T: 519-452-4282
F: 519-453-2826
E: counselling@fanshawec.ca