Congratulations on your offer of admission to BScN Nursing!
What's Next?
Step 1: Confirm your offer by the deadline
Log into www.ouac.ca and confirm your offer of admission by the confirmation due date noted on your Offer Letter; otherwise, your seat will be offered to an applicant on the wait list.
Step 2: Meet all admission conditions
Review your admission requirements. Your offer to the Western-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN Program is conditional on completing these admission requirements.
Step 3: Pay your fees
You have two payments to plan for: the non-refundable tuition deposit due June 15, 2020 and the balance of fees due on the 10th day of term, on September 22, 2020. Tuition fees must be paid by the fee due dates listed on your fee invoice. More information about fee payments will be mailed to you after your confirmation due date.
Step 4: Complete your post-admission requirements
Review the post-admission and pre-placement requirements that you will need to complete.
Step 5: Confirm your guaranteed residence
Confirm your guaranteed residence by completing the online Offer of Residence Admission form. Review your housing options at fanshawec.ca/housing.
A message from President Peter Devlin
I am pleased that you have been offered admission to Fanshawe College. I sincerely hope you will accept our offer for the Western-Fanshawe Collaborative Bachelor of Nursing program.
Fanshawe College continues to be one of Canada’s finest colleges. We pride ourselves on providing our students pathways to success, through our facilities, staff, resources and ultimately the skills that are in demand by today’s employers. Fanshawe consistently ranks above the provincial average in student satisfaction, employer satisfaction and graduate employment.
Thank you for considering one of our programs and we look forward to welcoming you into the Fanshawe College community.
Peter Devlin
President, Fanshawe College
Western-Fanshawe Collaborative Bachelor of Nursing program
As a BScN student, you are both a Fanshawe College and a Western University student. You’ll study for two years at Fanshawe and two at Western. For all four years, you will have access to both Fanshawe’s WebAdvisor and Western’s Student Center. These student portals help you keep track of your application, your financial account, your demographic information and even your grades. If you have any issues connecting with Western’s Student Center, please contact Student Central at 519-661-2100 or contact@uwo.ca.
Additional Resources
- Consider your financial needs. Find everything you need to know about budgeting, OSAP, bursaries and scholarships at fanshawec.ca/payingforcollege.
- Learn more about our student services and support at fanshawec.ca/hereforyou.
Experience Open House and Campus Tours online!
Check out the facilities available to BScN Nursing students!