Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Last Updated

Starting College is an exciting time! It offers a lot of newfound freedom to try new things and begin to solidify your identity. While you will be learning a lot in the classroom, there is also plenty to learn as you explore life beyond the campus, possibly on your own for the first time.  

So who are you going to be and how will you fit into the various communities you are joining? 

Respecting our College community

  • Be respectful in the classroom. Classrooms, labs and other educational spaces (both in-person and virtual) are crucial to the academic experience for all students. To support your peers and professors please arrive for classes on time, turn off your phones, and refrain from side conversations or other distractions. 
  • Help keep the community safe. Be aware of your surroundings, keep an eye on your belongings and conduct yourself in a peaceful and mature manner.  
  • Be aware that public spaces are shared spaces. Behave respectfully to those around you (i.e. limit the volume of your conversations, and if you wish to listen to music or watch videos in public spaces, please use headphones). 
  • Keep public spaces clean. Please leave public spaces as clean as when you arrived. Dispose of any trash and wipe surfaces if you spill anything. 
  • Honour the diversity of our community. Many of the people around you will look different from you and may believe and behave differently. The variety of backgrounds and perspectives we all bring to our community make our interactions richer and enable us to learn more about our world. Honour the differences among us, even when these differences are uncomfortable or unfamiliar to you. 
  • Be mindful of your language and gestures. Choose supportive and respectful language. At a minimum, refrain from any profane, bigoted, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist or other offensive comments, gestures or actions. 
  • Cooperate with Campus Security. Constables and security staff are here to help and support you. It is important that you comply with their guidance and directives. 
  • Refrain from smoking and tobacco/cannabis use. Fanshawe is a smoke-free environment. All smoking and tobacco/cannabis products, including e-cigarettes, are prohibited in all indoor and outdoor campus spaces.  
  • Help your guests cooperate with these guidelines. Everyone on campus, whether a visitor or community member, is expected to behave in a respectful manner. If you bring guests to campus, please make sure they are aware of and willing to comply with our community values. 
small group of students walking down graffitied alley

Respecting our London community  

The City of London is an excellent place to live, work, study and play. As residents, we can be proud of the character and beauty of the city, including the pleasant and attractive neighbourhoods. We are all entitled to the continued enjoyment of our neighbourhoods, but we also have responsibilities and obligations. Students, like all citizens, should be aware of all neighbourhood issues and City Bylaws that might affect them. As a London resident, taking the right actions at the right moments can help us to ensure housing opportunities and good standards of housing for Fanshawe students in the future.  

Here are our tips for being a good neighbour

Noise and Parties  

You should be aware of the possible consequences to yourself and your guests if you have a party and it becomes large and disruptive. The police have laid charges against individuals hosting large parties. These incidents attract the attention of the media and create negative stereotypes of students. 

Do …  
  1. Do talk to your neighbours if you plan to have a party. 
  2. Do be considerate as ongoing noise is usually more of a problem than the occasional social gathering.  
  3. Do use public sidewalks when travelling to and from friends' places. 
  4. Do be aware that the City Noise Bylaw is in effect 24 hours a day.  
Don’t … 
  1. Don't honk your horn late at night to say goodbye to friends. 
  2. Don't sing or yell late at night when outdoors.  

* NOTE: The 24/7 noise bylaw is designed to control unnecessary noise which can be a nuisance. An individual can be charged under this bylaw if the sound from a stereo or other such device is operated in a manner to annoy or disturb the quiet enjoyment of any individual in any dwelling. A person convicted of a breach is usually fined approximately $200 but can be fined up to $5,000. Note that police can and have laid multiple charges against roommates. Be aware that the Police can consider three or more individuals an UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY if there is a belief that they will disturb the peace.


The Liquor Licence Act prohibits the consumption of alcohol anywhere other than a residence or a licenced area. A residence is defined as a place that is occupied as a dwelling and does not include public places where the general public has access. Additionally, any occupant (tenant) could be held liable for the actions of intoxicated individuals leaving their premises...even if the person only consumed their own alcohol. 

Do ...  
  1. Do be aware of friends that might wander away with open alcohol into other peoples' yards. 
  2. Do consider avoiding breakable bottles when outside on your own property (safety is always important). 
  3. Do have a plan if you are having friends over where alcohol may be a factor. 
Don’t …  
  1. Don't drink on City-owned streets, which may include part of your front yard. 
  2. Don't allow intoxicated individuals to leave, as you (being their "host") could be held liable. 

* NOTE: It is within the Police's jurisdiction to charge anyone who has an open bottle/can or unsealed container of alcohol in a public place. The fine is approximately $100 per individual. 

townhouses' front steps and manicured lawns

Property Upkeep 

A clean neighbourhood protects housing values, looks nice and instills a sense of pride. The City of London has bylaws related to the upkeep of property. It is important that tenants clarify with their landlords who will be responsible for garbage, grass cutting, snow removal, etc. 

Do … 
  1. Do keep garbage and litter in suitable containers ready to be put out for collection (not until 6 p.m. the night before pickup).  
  2. Do consider using a proper blue box as everyone benefits from recycling. Ensure you know what London accepts or rejects for garbage and blue box items. 
  3. Do ensure your place is free from old food and alcohol containers as they attract rodents and cockroaches.
Don’t …  
  1. Don't let your grass, bushes and leaves become so unruly that your place looks like a jungle. 
  2. Don't leave old furniture around to become an "eyesore" (it can be put out with any regular garbage collection). 


  • Be aware that signs, flags, etc., although seen as decorative, usually violate the City Sign Bylaws. 
  • If you are going away for a period of time, make arrangements to look after your home while you are away. This helps with upkeep and security. 

Safety: Fire, Traffic and Parking

It's important for everyone to ensure not only their own safety but also the safety of the community.

  1. Do ensure that you have proper and working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. You should also consider fire extinguishers. 
  2. Do watch for neighbours and pedestrians when travelling by car. 
  3. Do be aware of "suspicious" individuals in your neighbourhood as students are often a target for thieves. Consider joining a Neighbourhood Watch Program in your area.
Don’t …  
  1. Don't leave your car where it can be vandalized. The City prohibits overnight parking on the street, as well as parking on front lawns, sidewalks and boulevards
  2. Don't leave your car idling and unattended or unlocked with the keys in it as you could face a fine...not to mention the loss of your vehicle (this happens more often than you think). 
  3. Don’t leave your personal belongings in your vehicles overnight. Student vehicles can be targeted and you could lose important items. 

* NOTE: Be aware that one of the major sources of aggravation for students involves getting tickets for parking infractions. It's important to ensure you have a proper space when you have a vehicle or else you will be paying a large sum to the City for parking violations. 

Vandalism and Mischief 

Sometimes individuals have done things that seem harmless at the time (taking road signs, stealing neighbours’ lawn ornaments, etc.). Vandalism of public or private property is a criminal offence and while there may be a monetary fine, more importantly, it could affect certain career paths you wish to pursue. 

Mischief is a charge whereby Police feel individuals have purposely caused problems for their neighbours. This requires a court appearance and each and every tenant could face a fine of up to $5,000 and jail time. In the past, students have been fined $800 for a first offence. 


The information in this guide is just an overview. We hope this has clarified what it takes to be a good neighbour and a responsible citizen. It's up to all of us to make this year hassle-free for Fanshawe and Western students and the citizens of London. 
