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Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Last Updated

If you’re struggling to decide what to study and where to go to college, many students over the years have told us that Open House has been their deciding factor. Attending Open House was the make-it or break-it experience that ultimately led them to their decision. Many schools have events going on in the fall and spring, including Fanshawe on March 23, 2024. Take time to review the schools you are interested in and plan out your visits to ensure you can fit in the visits that are most important to you. 

View housing options

If you’re planning to move away from home, you and your family need to know what residence or housing options look like. Will you be comfortable? Are you okay with sharing the available space? Will you feel safe? Can you see yourself here? Open House is a great opportunity to find out more about your housing options.

What program is the right fit for you?

Choosing the right program is hard, so you want to be confident that you’re making the right choice. Open House provides you with the opportunity to speak with current students who can give insight into how programs operate and what it’s really like to study at Fanshawe. What kind of experience will you get from the program and how will it prepare you for your career after you graduate?


people view tables detailing different Fanshawe programs

Learn about what Fanshawe has to offer

What types of student events are offered? Are there clubs or organizations to get involved with where you can meet other students? Is there a fitness centre or gym? Is there a campus recreation program? What about beyond the college? What’s available in the community? Are there movie theatres, hiking trails, music venues, adventure parks, community events, etc. With representatives from all areas of the college, you can get a picture of life at Fanshawe during Open House.


students sitting around table doing school work

The feels … the vibe … whatever you call it, you’ll know it when you feel it.

For a lot of students, it comes down to the feeling. Does the campus have the right energy for you? Are people happy and excited to be here? Does being here feel right to you or could it?

Choosing which college to attend and which program to take can be a hard decision, but attending Open House events for the schools you are considering can make it a lot easier. Fanshawe’s Open House is Saturday, March 23, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and not to brag, but we’re known to offer one of the best Open House experiences around!
