Fanshawe offers many part-time post-secondary college programs and is a leader in part-time college options in Ontario. Studying part-time can mean more than simply taking a one-time course. There are many part-time learning opportunities and while they all have their merits, if you want to earn an Ontario College credential like a Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or even a Degree, there is plenty of info and resources available to help guide you through completing the program on your timeline.
What does taking an Ontario College credential part-time look like?
Studying part-time simply means learning with a partial course load. The definition of how much time and how many courses are needed to qualify as a part-time student is flexible. At Fanshawe, a part-time course load is typically between 1 and 3 courses, per term.
What is the time commitment of earning a college credential part-time?
The time commitment each week for part-time learning varies, but it typically falls between 3 and 6 hours per week per course.
Will I need to take time off work to attend classes?
Not necessarily! There are several types of program deliveries, including online, blended and in-person classes which are offered at various times and formats. Whether you work 9-5 or the night shift, flexible learning options exist for you. Check your program’s delivery type for details. For more information on online delivery, check out the online delivery formats we offer.
Program delivery
- Fully Online, Asynchronous: Most of our part-time course offerings are designed to be extremely flexible to your schedule and are offered as fully online and asynchronous courses, meaning you will study online in an unscheduled format and you decide when to complete your weekly course time to fit your schedule. You must be active in the course each week.
- Fully Online, Synchronous: Classes occur at scheduled times but are attended online.
- In-class: All classes are scheduled and you are expected to attend in person to meet the learning requirements.
- Blended: Classes are in-person and online, where the online portion will be asynchronous/unscheduled, but the in-class, face-to-face portion will be scheduled, typically in the evenings.
How many courses do I need to take to be considered part-time?
Part-time learning is defined by OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) as 20-59% of a full course load, where course load is determined by your school. At Fanshawe, a full course load is between 4 and 6 courses per term and a part-time course load is typically between 1 and 3. Most students choose to take 2 courses per term.
How long does it take to complete an Ontario College Credential part-time?
The total time it takes to complete a program depends on the type of program, how many courses you choose to take per term and if you choose to take any terms off from school. Here are some samples of average completion times for different programs:
- Ontario College Diploma: Four years, taking two courses per term and studying the whole year (fall, winter and spring terms).
- Ontario College Graduate Certificate: two years, taking three courses per term and studying the whole year (fall, winter and spring terms).
- Ontario College Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree completion pathway (for advanced diploma graduates who meet eligibility requirements): two years, taking three courses per term and studying the whole year (fall, winter and spring terms).
Check the progression plan for your program
What is the cost of a part-time program?
Students typically pay an average of $300 per course per term when earning an Ontario College credential. Most students choose to take two courses per term. For detailed tuition information, please visit our Part-Time Tuition Fees page.
Is funding available for part-time programs?
Yes, funding is available for part-time students, but there are eligibility requirements you may need to meet. To be considered for funding for a part-time course load, OSAP requires you to take 20-59% of a full course load at your school. At Fanshawe, a part-time course load is between 1 and 3 courses. Find out if you’re eligible. You may also be eligible for certain bursaries through Financial Aid and Awards at Fanshawe.
Why choose part-time?
There are plenty of reasons a potential student might choose part-time, but the greatest benefit is that less time per week is spent attending lectures, doing readings or doing other coursework when you study part-time. This leaves you with time in your week for your family, work, self-care or anything else you need to fit into your schedule.
Learn more about whether part-time is right for you
What kind of Ontario College credentials are available part-time?
You can earn an Ontario College Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Degree or Graduate Certificate through part-time study. You’ll earn the same credential as you would if you were studying full-time, but with the flexibility and benefits of part-time studies. If you know what post-secondary program you want to take, look for it on our part-time programs page. We have a wide variety of programs available where you can earn an Ontario College Credential.
How do I apply to study part-time?
Part-time programs have admission requirements you’ll need to meet in order to be accepted into the program. This means you can apply for your part-time program through OCAS if you’re a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, just like you would if you’re applying full-time. Learn more about how to apply.
Have questions about taking a part-time program? Whether it’s time constraints, scheduling or anything else you’ve got on your mind, our recruitment team is here to help.