Program Overview

Managing the release of prescription medication is serious business that requires a commitment to detail and a highly specialized set of technical and interpersonal skills. As a pharmacy technician, you’ll work with pharmacists and health professionals to optimize patient health by promoting wellness and managing chronic disease by safely and accurately processing prescription medications clients depend on. If you’re excited by a career working as part of a team providing much needed support to those in need, our pharmacy technician course will be your prescription for success!
international only
CIP Code

Program Details

Program Code
Ontario College Diploma
60 weeks

Canadian Students

Start Dates

Full Time Offerings

2025 September
2026 January
2024 September
2025 January

International Students

Start Dates

Full Time Offerings

2025 September
2026 January
2024 September
2025 January

Your Learning Experience

The program uses innovative delivery methods to help students with different learning styles acquire the knowledge and practical skills to succeed. You’ll begin by developing foundational knowledge of a wide variety of pharmaceutical and self-care products, as well as key business concepts and institutional procedures. You’ll also learn how to write for the health sciences field while studying anatomy and pharmaceutical mathematics.


You’ll gain specialized practical skills – including how to safely and efficiently prepare both sterile and non-sterile products – by working in Fanshawe’s state-of-the-art hospital and pharmacy practice labs and by participating in various field placement opportunities.


Intra- and Inter-professional simulation activities blend health care with education to provide students with scenarios that help prepare participants for the real-world environment. Fanshawe’s Pharmacy Technician program provides students with the comprehensive, specialized, simulation, theoretical and practical education they need to achieve entry to practice competencies as outlined by the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA).


Graduates of the CCAPP accredited Pharmacy Technician program are eligible to become regulated health professionals in Ontario. Graduates pre-register with the Ontario College of Pharmacists, complete a Structured Practical Training (SPT) program, and sit both the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Qualifying and Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) Jurisprudence Examinations as required for registration in Ontario.


The Pharmacy Technician program at Fanshawe College has been awarded a five-year accreditation status by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs from July 2021- June 2026. 





Career Information ​​​​​​

Graduates of Fanshawe’s Pharmacy Technician program can pursue a career in community, medical clinic, long-term care or hospital pharmacies where they comply with legislation, standards, policies and procedures within their scope of practice. 

Did you know Fanshawe consistently ranks high in graduation employment rates among large colleges in Ontario? 

Here is an example of an opportunity Career Services has received for graduates of Fanshawe’s Pharmacy Technician program:

Pharmacy Technician
Collaborate, as part of the interprofessional health team, with pharmacists and health care professionals to optimize the health of patients through product preparation and release, compounding pharmaceutical products, demonstrating the use of medical devices, and pharmacy management processes. 



Photo of Annica Bascos

I was able to pursue my dream career through Fanshawe’s Pharmacy Technician program. The program provides a variety of pharmaceutical knowledge and hands-on experience needed to set you up for success. 

Completing the program was such a rewarding and memorable experience that I would definitely recommend to anyone interested in pharmacy.

Annica Bascos
Graduate 2023
Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Practice safely within a legal, ethical and professional framework in practice settings.
  2. Process prescriptions accurately in compliance with pertinent legislation and established standards, policies and procedures in practice settings.
  3. Prepare pharmaceutical products for dispensing in compliance with pertinent legislation and established standards, policies and procedures in practice settings.
  4. Release pharmaceutical products in compliance with pertinent legislation and established standards, policies and procedures in practice settings.
  5. Collaborate with the pharmacist and other health care providers to optimize the patient’s health and well-being within the scope of practice of the pharmacy technician.
  6. Promote quality assurance by performing effective and efficient administrative functions in practice settings.
  7. Optimize medication therapy management and product distribution using current technologies in practice settings.
  8. Develop and implement effective strategies for ongoing personal and professional development that support currency, competence, ethics and values in the pharmacy sector.
  9. (2023) 1. Process prescriptions with accuracy and completeness within the pharmacy technician’s scope of practice, in accordance with current and relevant legislation, code of ethics, established standards, policies, and procedures in practice settings.
  10. (2023) 2. Prepare pharmaceutical products and documentation for dispensing and releasing pharmaceutical products within the pharmacy technician’s scope of practice, in accordance with current and relevant legislation, code of ethics, established standards, policies, and procedures in practice settings.
  11. (2023) 3. Collaborate with the pharmacist and other health care providers to optimize the patient’s health and well-being.
  12. (2023) 4. Promote quality assurance in practice settings by performing effective and efficient pharmacy operating procedures.
  13. (2023) 5. Optimize medication therapy management and product distribution using current technologies in practice settings.
  14. (2023) 6. Develop, implement, and maintain effective strategies for ongoing personal and professional development that support competence and currency.
  15. (2023) 7. Communicate using correct terminology with patients, the pharmacy team, other health professionals and stakeholders for patient safety.


Academic School

Program Coordinator:

Year 1: Lyona Lunter, RPhT, BA, MPEd.

Year 2 and Accreditation Lead: Jennifer Podeszwa de Oliveira,  B.Sc., M.Sc.(MPH), RPhT


Admission Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or a mature applicant with a minimum final grade of 65 in each of the following courses:

- Grade 12 English (C or U)

- Grade 11 or 12 Biology (C or U)

- Grade 11 or 12 Chemistry (C or U)

- Grade 11 Math (U or M) or Grade 12 Math (C or U)

Students who do not meet the admission requirements are recommended for academic upgrading. A conditional offer may be possible with proof of enrolment. Alternatively, applicants may choose to do the one-year General Arts and Science Ontario College Certificate. Graduates who have a minimum final grade of 65 in the courses listed above will meet the admissions requirements for this program.
Competitive Programs

This is a competitive program; the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of seats available. Please see for details. 

International Admission Equivalencies
Admission equivalencies for Fanshawe depends on your country of study. Please enter your location to see the requirements for your country below.
English Language Requirements

English Language Requirements

The Pharmacy Technician program is accredited by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP).  This accreditation requires that all applicants provide proof of English Language proficiency as set by the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities NAPRA and supported by the Ontario College of Pharmacists OCP. Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English by one of the following methods:

  • Graduation from high school in Canada with three consecutive, first language English courses or credits (one per grade level)
  • An undergraduate bachelor's degree from a college or university in Canada, whose instruction was provided in English
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test with a minimum score of 91 for the Internet-based test (iBT), with test results within the last two years
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic test with an overall score of 6.5 with no score less than 6.0 in any of the four bands, with test results within the last two years.  SDS Program Requirements.
Recommended Academic Preparation

Recommended Academic Preparation

  • Grade 11 Information and Communication Technology (O)
  • Garde 12 Introduction to Kinesiology (U)
  • Grade 12 Human Development throughout the Lifespan (M)
  • Grade 12 Business and Technological Communication (O)
  • Grade 12 Child Development and Gerontology (C)
  • Grade 12 Health Care (M)
Recommended Personal Preparation

Recommended Personal Preparation

  • Students should have a minimum keyboarding speed of 40 wpm and a good working knowledge of computers and Windows based software including Microsoft Office
  • Students should volunteer or shadow in a pharmacy prior to commencing the program
Applicant Selection Criteria

Applicant Selection Criteria

Where the number of eligible applicants exceeds the available spaces in the program, the Applicant Selection Criteria will be:

  1. Preference for Permanent Residents of Ontario
  2. Receipt of Application by February 1st (After this date, Fanshawe College will consider applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full)
  3. Achievement in the Admission Requirements


  • Admission to the Fanshawe College General Arts and Science program does not guarantee admission in a  subsequent year to the Pharmacy Technician program. Successful completion of the Fanshawe College General Arts and Science program, however, does enable the student to be given additional consideration when applying to the Pharmacy Technician program. The General Arts and Science program is the preferred designated preparatory program for admission to the Pharmacy Technician program.
Post-Admission Requirements

Post-Admission Requirements

The following items are applicable to the program and are time sensitive.  Please refer to for important information about preparing for placement by the due date.

For all programs requiring the submission of pre-placement forms, please submit all supplemental forms (with the exception of transcripts) by email  to

The deadline for submission of these forms for the PTN1 program is August 1st for Year 2 students.


Level 1
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course.
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
WRIT-1048Reason & Writing 1 for Health Sciences3
This course will introduce health sciences students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking.
COMP-1549Computers in Pharmacy1
In this introductory course, an overview on the use of computers and information technology in the pharmacy will be presented. The student will practice basic and advanced word processing skills for document creation, utilize graphics presentation software to create and organize effective presentations and create spreadsheets, charts and reports. Pharmacy software processes will be reinforced and expanded upon to include report functionality with respect to patient care, and reduce the potential for medication error. Students will be expected to communicate professionally with their peers, technologists and faculty that is in line with current pharmacy practice standards.
MATH-1051Pharmaceutical Mathematics3
The student will review basic fundamental math skills necessary in dosage calculations. Students will learn to convert within and between the systems of measurement in order to prepare prescriptions for administration. Dosage calculations for special populations and parenteral administration will be introduced. In addition, calculations required for compounded products will be introduced and practiced. Emphasis will be on increasing the students analytical skills to ensure accuracy in the calculation of medication orders.
PHRM-1001Pharmacy Fundamentals3
The student will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy including historical, ethical, professional and legal issues that influence pharmacy technicians and their practice. An overview of relevant federal and provincial legislation including regulation of drugs and controlled substances will be presented. The evolving role of the pharmacist and pharmacy technician as part of the intra and interprofessional health team will be explored.
PHRM-1047Community Pharmacy Practice 14
This course will connect core pharmacy concepts to their practical application, with a specific focus on the community pharmacy practice setting. The student will be introduced to pharmacy workflow and terminology, including Latin/medical abbreviations, dosage forms, routes of administration, and packaging systems such as medication adherence aids. Emphasis will be placed on drug interchangeability, non-proprietary names, brand names, and therapeutic classes of common pharmaceutical products. Ontario's provincial healthcare program, Ontario Drug Benefit, will be introduced, including various plans (Seniors Plan, OHIP+, Trillium, etc.) that fall under the provincial umbrella. With an emphasis on patient safety, the student will practice submitting medication incidents through the provincial error-reporting system, and discuss prescription forgeries, pharmacy robberies and Canada's burgeoning opioid crisis. Practice within the retail pharmacy simulation labs will include interpretation and processing of prescriptions using pharmacy software systems, interactions with simulated patients, professional communication in practice, utilization of pharmaceutical resources, and various simulated scenarios.
PSYC-1044Personal & Working Relationship3
This course is designed for students to understand the principles and dynamics of personal and working relationships. Emphasis will be on perception of self, attitude and interpersonal problems. The principles introduced from this course will be used in various teaching methods to give students the opportunity to reflect on the processes relevant to their normal personal and professional relationships.
View all courses

Tuition Summary


Canadian Costs
Total Cost of Program
International Costs
Total Cost of Program

*Total program costs are approximate, subject to change and do not include the health and dental plan fee, bus pass fee or program general expenses.

