2682 Results
Today's leaders are often called upon to implement and support the change process. They need to be able to identify and respond to internal and external factors that will determine when and what type of change initiatives are required. Environmental scanning, identifying trends, implementing and measuring successful change are all essential to developing and managing change to the benefit of the...
Leaders and managers need to know and demonstrate techniques for managing employee performance in order to increase productivity and organizational effectiveness. This course will focus on performance analysis, counselling, coaching, constructive feedback, conflict resolution, performance management systems and overall strategies for performance management.
Leadership today involves all aspects of an organization and multiple skills, duties and responsibilities. This course is designed to meet the needs of leaders in any organization who may be new to project management or who have not had formal project management training. This course provides the practical knowledge to start and complete a project successfully from a leadership perspective. You...
A Supply Chain is a network of organizations that are involved in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate customer or consumer. Operations Management is one of the three major functions of a business, along with Marketing and Accounting / Finance, and focuses on designing, creating, and improving goods and services...
This course provides the student with the foundation of the reward systems found in all organizations, whether profit or not-for-profit. The course examines both the theoretical and applied aspects of the compensation function, with special consideration of the major factors that influcence the actual design of a compensation system. This course is offered through OntarioLearn by the host college...
An examination of the Canadian business environment and the management decision making process as an integral component of organizational behaviour.
Benefits and their administration in business are examined, including such topics as; Canada Pension Plan, Workers' Compensation, government health plans, and pension programs. Life, accident and health insurance, other than that which is provided by the government, are studied. This course also covers contractual benefits such as; rest periods, vacations and sick leaves and volunteer benefits...
This course will assist the student in developing skills in recruitment, interviewing and orientation. Other topics will include learning the best methods for attracting potential employees, selecting people, establishing criteria for hiring, conducting the screening process, and evaluating application forms, letters and resumes. This course is HRPA approved and is required to write the...
This course focuses on the development of modern management, organizational theory, the processes of planning, organizing, directing and controlling, communications, behavioural strategies and techniques, ethical and social responsibilities in the practice of management, and an overview of human relations. This course is offered through OntarioLearn by the host college, Algonquin College.
Elements of a successful fundraising campaign are examined. Students learn how to develop a compelling case for support, attract the best leadership potential, develop donor prospects and prepare a plan of action. Management and financial strategies to effectively control the fundraising process of campaigns are explored. Practical implementation of fundraising strategies required to manage...