2682 Results
The Fanshawe Falcons Extramural Cricket team is hosting an indoor tape ball cricket tournament on Sunday, January 26th at Fanshawe College, Glenn Johston Athletic Centre from 12pm-8pm. This tournament is open to everybody, up to a maximum of 8 teams (8 players/team) for a cost of $225/team plus HST. Teams are guaranteed 4 games, and if successful will play a maximum of 6 games. Games are approx. 1...
This course covers essential skills required to handle food and equipment in a safe manner that prevents contamination and food borne illness. Topics covered include: Personal Hygiene, Factors of Foodborne Illness, Safe Food Handling Techniques, Legislation including Occupational Health and Safety including infection controls, Hazard Awareness, Safe Work Habits, Fire Hazards, and WHMIS (GHS).
An overview of ergonomic principles highlights basic worksite investigation and familiarization with basic principles relating to anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, manual material handling, cumulative trauma disorders and office ergonomics.
This course provides an overview of applied safety fundamentals. The course allows students to apply the principles used when identifying hazards and applying controls to a variety of common workplace safety risks. Topics include working at heights, confined space entry, electrical safety, hazardous energy, manual material handling, hot work, shop machinery and portable power tools. Students will...
Management systems formalize an organization's commitment to health and safety. This course provides students with basic knowledge of the integration of health and safety into organizational structure, function, culture and design. Topics include training needs analyses and adult learning principles. By the end of the course, students are able to deliver routine training programs. Students...
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act in Ontario with a special focus on accident prevention. Review practical skills, techniques and strategies that are immediately applicable to the workplace. Examine and apply the fundamental issues of work-related disability management, employer and worker obligations, health and safety, and injury prevention as it relates...
This course will deal with the identification of safety hazards which may be a source of injury to workers. Elimination of safety hazards will be discussed. This course will support the identification of occupational health and safety hazards in the workplace. Methods for identifying hazards and calculating risk with be discussed, including proven techniques for identifying hazards, assessing...
This course studies the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of chemical, physical and biological hazards arising in or from the workplace. WHMIS and other relevant legislation will also be covered. This course is offered through OntarioLearn by the host college, Algonquin College.
In this course students will be introduced to the study of sociology which looks at people and how they interact with each other and various social groups. This course will look at people's lives, their relationship to society as a whole, and how people are affected by the society in which they live. The concepts, theories and methods of the discipline will be introduced and discussed with...
This course will focus on conformity issues surrounding religious fundamentalism, sects, cults and terrorist groups. The reasons why people join and why they may have a difficult time leaving, will be examined. Society's contributions to supporting cultic groups will be explored. Strategies for protecting individuals and vulnerable populations from cultic and terrorist activity will be developed.