2682 Results
This course covers the core elements needed for creative writing. Students gain an understanding of the process of creative writing including theme, setting, plotting, characterization, and the use of dialogue, enabling them to successfully discover their writer's voice and build confidence in their writing abilities. This course is offered through OntarioLearn by host college, Algonquin College.
This is an introductory course for the aspiring story writer who focuses on the particularities of this literary genre. Character development, narrative unity, and plot construction are explored by analyzing selected short stories and participating in writing exercises. In the latter part of the course, students follow a step-by-step approach to producing a story suitable for publication. The...
In this course, students develop practical writing skills using technology for successful communication in business. They learn how to compose business correspondence including emails, memoranda, letters and reports with a focus on routine, persuasive and negative messages. The course includes a review of grammar and mechanics. This course is offered through OntarioLearn by the host college...
The student learns how to structure written reports from memos to formal presentations in a way that is precise, clear and easy to read. This course is ideal for anyone who finds the report writing demands of the job outstrip their training. The student learns mastery of reports through a series of ten assignments ranging from simple memos to formal reports - all under the guidance of a...
Poetry writing provides skills necessary for the creation, development, and marketing of publishable poems.
Beginner writers and those with previous writing experience will hone their skills, benefit from a series of exercises and get involved in creative writing and critical reading. Workshop your own exercises and stories and receive valuable critique from fellow participants and the instructor. This course is offered fully online, through OntarioLearn.
This course explores the art and craft of writing for the growing romance fiction market. Through lectures, examples, and lots of research, students will develop their skills in creating engrossing plots and settings, and engaging characters, as well as researching the growing and changing market for romance oriented fiction.
Students who have completed all of the courses within the Food Service Worker Certificate, will complete this 80 hour placement course, the schedule for placement is determined by the placement agency, and normally students complete this within a two-week period. Field placements are designed to help students build bridges between academic knowledge, theoretical discussions, and actual work...
The Canadian Investment Funds Course is unlike any in the industry. The sequence of instruction mirrors the typical process used with clients in the real world. A challenging case study and practice exam enable students to put knowledge into practice. Students will engage in role play with other students and the industry professional professor. Client case scenarios are used in preparation to work...
CRM Designation The Canadian Risk Management (CRM) designation is a widely recognized qualification that provides risk managers a foundation of knowledge and skills needed to identify, assess, monitor and limit risks. The CRM is recognized by the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) and awarded by the Global Risk Management Institute (GRMI). GRMI sets policy for the CRM designation and...