2682 Results
Details about tuition, other fees and deposits for career programs and English for Academic Purposes programs
Working Remotely? Set yourself up for success with these simple tips to set up your home office or workspace and manage your time.
Music has always been a great stress reliever. Learn more about how music therapy can take these benefits even further!
Statement on London tragedy: Fanshawe College is horrified and saddened by the act of hatred and Islamophobia that happened Sunday evening in London. Fanshawe stands in solidarity with the Muslim community and offers our love and compassion to all those affected by this devastating act of violence. We condemn any form of racism, hatred, bigotry and prejudice. We must continue to stand together to...
World War II memorial offers valuable learning opportunity for students.
Hannah Diemert has been named recipient of the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) – CBRC Student Excellence gold medal and Elora Tung will receive the silver medal.
Fanshawe has launched a new inspirational interview series called The Focus, featuring students, staff, alumni and community leaders.