2682 Results
Empower your business with Fanshawe's R&D services - we provide the tools, expertise, and support to tackle your business challenges effectively.
Start at Fanshawe, continue your education anywhere! Fanshawe has built relationships with other countries and universities in Ontario, in Canada and across the globe with the intention to facilitate student mobility. Through our partnerships, we have developed pathways for you to pursue the path most appropriate to your goals and to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree after completing your...
Fanshawe College, London South Campus 1060 Wellington Road London, Ontario, Canada N6E 3W5 Associate Dean: Larry Verestiuk Email: l_verestiuk@fanshawec.ca Assistant to the Associate Dean: Randi Zevenbergen Email: rzevenbergen@fanshawec.ca SIS – Academic Planner: Sarah Veale Email: s_veale@fanshawec.ca Educational Support Technologist: Robert Armstrong Email: rarmstrong@fanshawec.ca Coordinator -...
The Financial Aid and Student Awards Office provides financial support and advice to help students fund their college education through government and donor funding.
PLAR is a process that allows you to identify, document and have assessed for recognition, your prior learning and skills. Your learning may be formal, informal or experiential. You can acquire post-secondary level learning through: on-the-job training independent study volunteer activities military service work experience travel hobbies International students International students are encouraged...
Fanshawe College Residence is guaranteed each fall to all first year students studying at a London campus location. The four on-campus residences offer traditional apartment-style and townhouse-style accommodations.
Chef Josie Pontarelli is passionate about contributing to the local food movement in southwestern Ontario. Here are two of her favourite recipes using local in-season food.
Contact information for program coordinators at Fanshawe College's School of Design.
Student Wellness Centre Three floors dedicated to your wellness! Students at the London campus enjoy access to the state of art Student Wellness Centre (SWC) (included in fees for full-time students). The SWC is home to a number of services to support student physical and mental wellness. The Centre has been designed to provide functional spaces for both individual and group services. {"preview...