2681 Results
Fanshawe Facts for 2017/18 is now available with statistics on programs, student enrolment and registration, and key performance indicators.
Fanshawe/Western inter-professional summer surgery school provides unique opportunity for students from both schools to work directly with other health care professionals in a simulated hospital environment.
Province approves new Commercial Flight and Aviation Leadership program at Fanshawe College.
CBC Music announced on September 16, 2019 that Fanshawe College alumna Haviah Mighty has won the 2019 Polaris Music Prize for her most recent album, 13th Floor.
Key Performance Indicators survey shows 90.3 per cent of Fanshawe alumni find jobs within six months of graduating.
Bee hives featured in innovative research project at Fanshawe College.
South West LHIN and partners tackle personal support worker (PSW) shortages in southwestern Ontario through bursaries.
Students will work in cutting-edge labs to analyze cannabis for quality, safety and stability, and to contribute to the research and development of new cannabis products.
Fanshawe paramedic student Mike Katsoulis had just finished a 10k race at Gibbons Park when a participant fell about 100 metres from the finish line. He and four colleagues became involved in helping save the patient who was in cardiac arrest.
Fanshawe College’s Institute of Indigenous Learning and Sexual Violence Support and Education honour Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, Transgender and 2 Spirit Peoples (MMIWGT2S) through the Shades of Our Sisters Installation.