A career in the skilled trades offers stability and high earning potential. Learn about career pathways and the support available for women in skilled trades.
Congratulations on your offer of admission to BScN Nursing! What's Next? Step 1: Confirm your offer by the deadline Log into www.ouac.ca and confirm your offer of admission by the confirmation due date noted on your Offer Letter; otherwise, your seat will be offered to an applicant on the wait list. Step 2: Meet all admission conditions Review your admission requirements. Your offer to the Western...
Winter 2025 course options Courses are first come, first served—there are no waiting lists for courses that are full! We strongly advise you to register in your General Education course as soon as possible. This list of courses does not update when courses are full. When completing your registration you may need to try several courses before you find one that still has room for you to register...
COMMUNITY SERVICES AWARD Elizabeth Akiwenzie Ojibway and Oneida Cultural Educator and Healer Social Service Worker diploma, 1989 Liz Akiwenzie/Nistangekwe (Understanding Woman) is an Ojibway and Oneida Cultural Educator and Healer who uses traditional medicines, ceremonies and teachings in her work with First Nations people. Akiwenzie is proud to note that in 1989 she was the first person in her...
Dates as shown in the schedule will apply unless unforeseen circumstances make it necessary to change them. Dates to remember for the 2024-2025 academic year Thursday, June 13, 2024 Fees Due Date "in Full" for International students (all Levels) for FALL TERM Thursday, June 13, 2024 Non-Refundable Deposit Due Date for Post-Secondary Programs for Domestic students for FALL TERM Thursday, June 13...
Core Competencies for Faculty Faculty at Fanshawe College are able to demonstrate competencies in the following areas: Curriculum Design, Course Delivery, Engagement and Professional Development. These competencies apply to all modes of delivery: face-to-face, online and blended. A. Curriculum Design 1. Develop curricula that aligns with learning outcomes, learning activities, and assessment...
Gone are the times where an education pathway was comprised of a simple point A to point B, start to finish. Nowadays, it’s completely normal for that pathway to take you from institution to institution and credential to credential for you to ultimately reach your career goals. You can even cross the globe to achieve them! Many post-secondary schools will have agreements in place with partner...