Friday, October 18, 2019
Last Updated

Have any of these thoughts crossed your mind?

  • If I want to complete an additional credential, do I have to start at the beginning?
  • I'm not sure the program I'm in is the right fit for me.
  • My finances aren't working out the way I thought they would — going to school closer to home would be less expensive.

If so, you're not alone. In Ontario, more than 60,000 students each year transfer programs or schools, often getting recognition for completed education as they pursue another credential.

Career journeys are rarely a straight line. You can plan a pathway that will take you through different programs, credentials or schools. Or, you may set out on one path and decide to change course.

The idea of transferring programs or schools may feel overwhelming, but there is a lot of support available to help you plan your pathway.

Research your options

Here are a few tips:

Transfer options

Did you know?
