Friday, December 18, 2020
Last Updated

Winter is here and, like pretty much everything else this year, it will look different than usual. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our region and the colder weather makes it even more important to maintain physical distance. Click here to read more about what the cold weather means for COVID-19.

Despite the limitations we’re facing this winter, there are still lots of ways to enjoy this time of year!

**Before making any plans, make sure to consult your local public health authority to understand the restrictions in your community and always follow their guidelines and recommendations. 

Take a (distanced) walk with a friend

Find a quiet park or neighbourhood and meet up with a friend to go for a stroll. Make sure you have enough room to stay two metres apart, and wear a face covering even when you’re outside. The camaraderie, fresh air and exercise can lift your spirits on dull winter days.

Hit the slopes or trails

If you’re a fan of downhill or cross-country skiing, many ski hills and trails are open this season (although that may change if further restrictions are implemented). Skiing can be a great solo activity or you can hit the slopes with your family or a friend. You may need to reserve your spot ahead of time, and guidelines will be clearly posted for capacity in buildings and on ski lifts—follow them closely and enjoy a fun-filled day!

Cross country skiing on a sunny winter morning

Go stargazing

Clear winter skies can be ideal for checking out the cosmos. The winter solstice takes place on December 21, marking the shortest day of the year and the official first day of winter. Jupiter and Saturn will meet in conjunction on this year's winter solstice and appear closer together than they have for centuries. Take a pair of binoculars or a telescope to an open space and look up—way up!