Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Last Updated

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) refers to a condition that affects about 5% of people.  It occurs when your thoughts, moods, and behaviours are negatively affected by the change of seasons - with winter being the worst.

Some common symptoms of SAD include low motivation and energy, concentration and decision-making difficulties, increased irritability, and depressed mood. In severe cases, one might even have thoughts of death and/or suicide.

The good news, however, is that there are things you can do to help yourself! Check out these 13 tips for dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder 

Additionally Fanshawe’s Counselling Services are here for you. We provide confidential, professional support for mental health, substance use, relationships and other personal concerns. Please contact us at 519-452-4282 or


Shirley Porter is a counsellor and registered psychotherapist who works as a coordinator with Fanshawe’s Counselling Services.