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Friday, June 14, 2024
Last Updated
Embarking on the exhilarating journey towards convocation? Congratulations!
When it comes to celebrating the culmination of your academic endeavors, 'the devil is in the details' as they say: all the little things can add up to make a big difference. Fear not! As you prepare to stride across the stage, we can help ensure you attend to every detail meticulously. From wardrobe essentials to logistical must-haves, we've curated the ultimate checklist to streamline your convocation preparations, leaving you free to savor every moment of this monumental occasion.
- Graduates need to arrive one hour before their ceremony. Plan how long it will take you to get to Canada Life Place (99 Dundas Street - formerly Budweiser Gardens). Be sure to consider traffic (including one-way streets and current construction) parking and walking distance when calculating your time.
- Plan your wardrobe. It’s a special occasion, so wear something nice. Business casual to business dress is fairly common. You will be wearing a gown and stole (scarf) or hood, so consider what will be most comfortable to wear underneath. Some have told us a full suit was a bit too warm, while others said their summer dress left them a bit chilled.
- Plan what you’re bringing with you. Graduates and guests must adhere to Canada Life Place Bag Policy.
- Think about how you want to celebrate after the ceremony? Will you head to campus for some photos? Would you like to have lunch or dinner with your loved ones? Tourism London and Downtown London offer a lot of great dining ideas and information for booking reservations.
- Say goodbye to your guests for now (you’ll see them again after the ceremony) and enter the building at Gate 4.
- Get your gown and stole or hood before entering the staging area.
- Head to the registration table to collect your name card – and check to make sure everything is correct on the card.
- Line up with others in your program (our marshalls can help)
- Once you have your card and know where your program is lined up, consider recording a message at our social media station to thank the people who supported you.
- Carefully follow instructions from any of our Fanshawe staff, faculty and volunteers.
- Say good bye to your graduate(s) and enter the building at Gate 1.
- Stop by our social media station near gate one to record a message of congratulations for your graduate(s).
- Continue down the concourse to pick-up flowers, explore diploma frames or alumni swag with retail services or make use of the washrooms.
- Plan to be in your seat 15 minutes before the ceremony, to ensure a clear path for the graduate and platform procession.
- Get comfortable and get your camera ready to record your graduate’s big moment!
Taking it all in
- Approximately 10 minutes before the ceremony, graduates will begin the procession into the arena. Take in the moment and remember to smile; lots of people will be taking your photo, and Fanshawe’s social media team will capture as many moments as possible.
- Take in the amazing remarks from the platform party and the honorary diploma recipient.
- Watch your fellow graduates cross the stage and prepare for your turn. Check your stole is still in place (we’ll help with that too). Watch your step and make your way across the stage. Enjoy the moment, be excited, smile, wave, pump a fist, whatever feels right.
- Return to your seat and continue to respectfully acknowledge all of the graduates.
- Listen to the closing remarks and prepare to celebrate as you exit the arena. Remember to smile and celebrate again, since lots of cameras will be on you!
- The concourse will be busy. Keep moving and make your way to some of the backdrops to take a few photos with classmates, family and loved ones.
- When you’re ready to leave, return your gown and stole to where you received it and collect your credential from the staging area.
Sharing everything on social!
- Make use of Fanshawe’s Convocation gifs!
- Tag @fanshawecollege and @fanshawealumni
- Tag your academic school’s account
- Ceremony 1 : @FanshaweTech
- Ceremony 2: @DesignFanshawe, @FanshaweSMDA, @FanshaweTourism, @FanshaweSLLS
- Ceremony 3: @FanshaweIT, @fanshaweLdnSouth,
- Ceremony 4: @FanshaweKinlin
- Ceremony 5: @FanshaweHealthSci, @FanshaweCommunityStudies, @FanshaweSoPS, @NursingFanshawe
- Hashtags #FanshaweGrad24 #FanshaweForever
After Convocation
- Welcome to the Fanshawe College Alumni Association! You're officially one of our hundreds of thousands of successful alumni now! Sign-up for your Fanshawe Alumni Perks!
- Follow Fanshawe Alumni on Facebook, X and Instagram
- Share your accomplishment on LinkedIn!
- Take advantage of your 10% discount for continuing education courses and microcredentials.
- Make use of Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services as you look for that first job post grad.
- Most importantly, remember you are a part of Fanshawe Forever!